

Our Mission


At Dear Families, we believe in the power of connection and relationships. We want to empower every family who comes to us to enjoy their time together as fully as they can and to thrive in the ways they care about most. Our mission is to honor the unique and beautiful ways in which each family raises a baby while providing support that can benefit any family. We want every family we work with to feel nurtured and respected as the wonder of new life unfolds.


Our Guiding Principles

Family-Centered & Relationship-Focused

We honor your family as our partner and celebrate your uniqueness through collaborative and reflective approaches. We recognize the invaluable knowledge and expertise on your family that you hold.


Long-term development

We understand that experiences in the beginning of life shape the brain in powerful, long-lasting ways. We share in your family's desire to nurture your baby’s future early on.

Nurturing the Nurturer

We are committed to nurturing parents' emotional wellness. We believe that when parents' needs are met, everyone is better off.



We are committed to making high quality, evidence-based information easily accessible to families in the early months and years.

Celebrating the Baby

We believe in honoring each baby’s unique strengths, needs, temperament and cues. We make a point to truly listen, observe and communicate with your baby.


Neurosensitive Learning

We appreciate the unique neurobiology of a new parent and adapt the learning experience accordingly to facilitate deeper learning.

Community Building

We recognize that learning is often done best with interpersonal connection and that building a community can help everyone in your family thrive.


Social Justice

We seek to be allies to communities that have traditionally been marginalized and aim to incorporate their unique cultural context into our work. We use diversity-informed practices with the goal of promoting equity, inclusivity, and belonging.


This space is a sanctuary

We welcome anyone who is seeking comfort, protection or escape from hatred, bullying or abuse. Everyone is welcome here and you will be safe, nurtured and respected.